Google News: Google Dominate UK Search

Google seem to be the most unstoppable force on the internet at the moment, with the black navigation bar a success, Google+ already set to rival FaceBook and the +1 button already showing more prominence than Twitter follow buttons, the latest Hitwise report showing Google’s search market share is just the icing on the cake.

The report shows that Google has an astonishing 92% mark share of all searches conducted by UK internet users. Seeing Google at the top of the table comes as no surprise, it’s commonly known that Microsoft’s Bing and Yahoo! have significantly less marketshare than Google (around 6% combined according to Hitwise), it’s Google ability to maintain and increase their share that’s impressive.

May 2011 say Google take 90% of marketshare which means the company have increased that figure by a massive 2% in just one month. Whether that’s down to increased interest in various changes to the Google network (as mentioned above) is unknown, but I think it’s a fair assumption to make that it wont be decreasing its share in the next couple of months with the introduction of Google+ already generating interest with over 10 million users.

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