Never Back Sick Again
Dr. Raymond Francis wrote three books:
1. Never get sick again
2. Never again afraid of cancer
3. No fat ever again
The Doctor wrote the book examines timeout and pain that the doctors gave up with illness
That doctor at the age of 75 years are only exposed to the flu, and then only once. Who he was talking about in the book are:
Stay away from sugar forever plus exercise and diet in moderation
Sugar causes colds and influenza
Eating a spoonful (the size of a teaspoon) of sugar lowers the immunity of 50%
Drink a glass Cola lowers the body's immunity 6-8 hours krn cola contains a lot of sugar
Sugar causes Alzheimer
Sugar is food for cancer cells and prevention as well as cure it is with avoiding sugar
Sugar cause of all heart disease
sugar causes weight gain
Sugar causes fat storage
Everything cause human disease no relationship with sugar
Doctor Raymond said: fathers forbid their anak² smoking and drinking alcohol but leave a reply lbh manisan² harmful than cigarettes and alcohol pd
Essentially leave sugar
Doctoral Raymond won the scientific work at the Univ Frankfurt on health foods, namely:
Yoghurt is the source of the highest calcium content of a glass of yoghurt krn 450mg of calcium, so make your daily menu yoghurt
And that the best is that low-fat yoghurt
Mint leaves are medicinal For strengthen the heart and blood circulation. If drinking mint tea such as regular, dependable launched stomach and intestines, reduce disease and freshen bad breath
For curing gastric anacidity, drink a glass of hot mint leaf stew without added sugar
Mint leaves can relieve gas, strengthen the kidneys, pancreas and relieve cough, soothe the nerves and upset conditions, eliminates insomnia, increases diuretic and destroyer of my best meals
Drinks gaseous add a large waist size women gain weight even though morbidly
carbonated drinks cause: osteoporosis, heart and kidney masalah², obesity & amp; diabetes and dental caries
Bahaya health drinks with energy enhancer for anak²: quicken the pulse, seizures, stroke, sudden death
green tea or black coffee bitter: No krn good antioxidants that guard against cancer
salmon, apples, grapes, cherries, blueberries, spinach are foods that keep brain cells and strengthen memory
One big which states that drinking water while eating and eating timeout causing bloated and difficult process of digestion
Yg right: Air indeterminate causes distended and helps digest get better than the others
Walk for 30 minutes per day 5 days per term dlm take care of: penyakit² heart disease, diabetes, depression, penyakit² blood pressure, cholesterol
Garlic: helps reduce the chances of contracting cancer krn garlic can improve immune
Consuming ginger warm in the afternoon helps burn fat and remove toxins dr body
Strive to drink a glass of water timeout waking to restore fluids lost during sleep as well as for cleaning the toxins in the body
Raymon Doctor said I had to take advantage of this and are glad when benefit all